I felt so lucky to have my Mom and Steve with us for Christmas this year. On a normal Christmas for us we don't get to see any family, so this was a special treat.
This is the Sunday before Christmas. Mom made Talia look so cute with the ribbon and bows.
Mom also made the cool "Behold Him" on my mantel.
The kids really wanted to act out the Nativity this year. Robert was
dead set on being the angel and Talia was dead set about being baby
Jesus. So, Isabelle was Mary, Steven was Joseph, Austin was a cow and I
was a shepherd.
Isn't Steven a good sport!
The boys got gorilla robes Christmas ever. They were so excited!
I made the girls pillowcase nightgowns for Christmas. I have had these pillowcases since Rob and I were first married and they were on top of my list when I found the idea for these nightgowns. I am so happy the girls like them. :)
The kids were so sweet about giving gifts to each other this year. Austin gave Robert his favorite book (a lego book). All the kids were excited to give gifts to each other. Austin and Isabelle gave everyone a gift, even the ones they weren't assigned to. It melted my heart.
Rob and I worked for a month on the different stages of this canopy for the girls. I am so pleased with the results.
Rob got a new chair for his office. Thanks to all who contributed!
Good Grandpa. :)
Yes, this dollhouse is taller than Talia and almost as tall as Isabelle. Thank you Grandpa Larson and Janice!
More good Grandpa. Talia kept throwing him cards and he kept putting them in his hat.
Austin got Monster fighter legos.
Robert's fav gift was a smart phone. He was on it all day playing games!
sofa slipcovers with individual cushion covers
10 months ago
that canopy turned out so cute!
Thanks Kim!
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