So, lately there has been quite the fashion trend at our house. Isabelle's friend Clara has been tying her socks around her ankles. Isabelle simply HAS to do whatever Clara does, so now both of them wear their socks around their ankles all the time! It just makes me laugh. This is how fashion trends are started right?
Robert started playing with his stomp rocket for the first time this week. Unfortunately, it went up on the roof two times! Rob was enjoying his time up there though!This is a view from inside our kitchen and Rob is looking at me through the skylight.We went to Mima and Papa's for Mother's day. I must admit, that my favorite gifts were the ones the kids made for me this year. They were SOOO excited to give me their gifts. Robert wouldn't even let me see the paper bag he had wrapped mine in until we were opening presents.
Robert made me a calendar with all pictures he had drawn. This is a picture of me that I am holding up, and he was drawing me in my orange sweater! He also made me the necklace that I am wearing (the pink and yellow one).
Bella made me these two cards. Isn't that frame one a scream?
Mima got lots of loves as well.
We planted our garden on Saturday. We let our kids help. We planted lots of veggies, but bought a pear, apple and cherry tree as well.
While we were gardening, Robert found a catepillar. He wanted to keep it as a pet so bad! So, Rob let him for the day. Robert named him "Green" and took very good care of him. He gave him a little house, tried to give him drinks of water, and even let me babysit while he went on a bike ride.It was exciting that he was willing to touch a little creature. Here he is with his gloves, but he ended up touching it numerous times with his bare hands. Yea!
Isabelle found a little grub, but cried her eyes out when she lost it down the sink as she was trying to wash it. Poor thing.
Here is cute Austy. He has gotten so energetic. He will run more than his older two siblings sometimes. I love how he is always the first person up and will run into my room to snuggle me in the morning. He gives so many loves to every person in the family every day. How could anyone not love this kid?
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9 months ago
Tricia, you always do such a great job with the blog! You are the best!
We heard a lot about the caterpillar yesterday in class. We just love Isabelle.
Tricia! You know how we are supposed to be more provident than ever. Satan is really working against us to get our garden boxes built. It is just amazing how we are trying and not succeeding.
You guys are doing great with that! Keep it up. I am determined to get this garden in, I will keep you posted.
Oh, Gina I know just how you feel. We had been planning to get this garden together for 3 months! I am glad we finally got to it! WE still need to plan our last tree. Good luck!!
Kerry, you guys are the best!
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