So, the day we got home from Hawaii, we repacked and drove to Utah for Thanksgiving. Lindsay was going to be there, which meant our whole family!! Also, Rob's parents just bought a house in Utah, so we get to see them when we went down too.
Here are some highlights:
Snuggle time
Visiting Bryan's house.
We found this note on the door that Libby had made for anyone who might try to visit that night. :)
We got to visit Santa at the mall.
What kids asked for:
Robert-Robot Vampire
Isabelle-Polly Pocket Roller Coaster
Austin-trainThe kids got to ride on the Carousel with Wendy's kids. Lindsay and Isabelle got along so well this trip!The family at the Thanksgiving Feast.
The guy between Emily and Austin, got a good taste of Austin's teasing. Austin kept poking him and doing all the things that Isabelle and Robert can't stand (that is why they usually don't like to sit by him.) Luckily, Tim (?), was very good natured about it. :)
We had the parents open our Christmas present for them that night.Later that night we went to Aunt Shanna's and got to visit with the French/Nerdin clan.
Present opening at Grandma Webster's....This dress is one that our friend Maluska, from Czechoslovakia, made for me and my sisters when we were in elementary school. I can't believe it fits Belly so well!
We had a game night at Uncle Ben's new house. It is beautiful, I should have taken more pics! But, here is Belly and Rocky on Rocky's train.My Aunt Diana (my dad's side) recently moved to Utah and called me up to see if we could visit while I was there. Little did I know, but she pulled off a big Larson get together out of it! She invited her son Kevin, My Aunt Colleen and some of her kids, and my Uncle Dennis! There were so many people there I hadn't seen in so long. We loved the time we spent with them!
Richardson cousins..My Uncles.. Dennis Larson, Chuck Dowling, and Doug Richarson.Bryan, Emily and I here, three out of the 4 Larson kids in my family.The grandkids there (my kids and Bryan's kids).I got to see my cousin Kevin for the first time since elementary school. He has gotten a little taller...My Dad's siblings that were there.. Aunt Colleen, Uncle Dennis, and Aunt Diana.
That day was also the BYU vs. UofU football game, so we went to Grandma Nan's to watch it.
We gave Nan and Bob their presents.
Grandma Nan enjoyed her chocolates.We got to see Rachel and Jake. Austin had tons of fun visiting with Jake and telling him all about soccer and trains. I don't know why, but Austin just loves him!
We stayed with Wendy this trip and I feel bad I don't have more pics of her fam! She made pj bottoms for all of my kids. What a sweetheart!
sofa slipcovers with individual cushion covers
9 months ago
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