So, life really has felt like a whirlwind lately, that is why I haven't written for a while. So, here is some catch up.
Isabelle had her last day of preschool, and last day of dance for the year. I ordered this costume for her not realizing we would be gone the day of the recital. She loved it so much!! But, she agreed to sell it to a girl who didn't have one for the recital. She really was being a princess.

She was totally posing for this pic, she didn't want to stand up or smile. She wanted to look just like this..:)

Here is Isabelle's last day of preschool. She absolutely LOVED preschool this year. Thanks Miss Connie!

Robert won an award at school for improved handwriting.

Robert missed his last day of school because we went to Utah!
Halfway through June our family took a trip to Utah and hung out with family and my best friend Wendy.
The kids got some good cousin time in.

We celebrated Heather's 2nd b-day.

We got to see the movie "Up" with Grandma the next day. On Tuesday we went to the Oquirrh Mountain temple to go through as visitors. It was such an amazing experience. I could feel the spirit so strong talking to my kids about the pictures of Jesus there and telling them about what we do in the temple. I am grateful for the experience.

I went there with my mom, my sister Katie, and her girls.

Austin had fun skateboarding in the kitchen.

We went to the zoo with my friend Wendy and her kids.

Austin couldn't get enough of the giraffes.

We had a great time hanging out with Grandma Nan. The kids were so loving with her! The didn't want to get off her lap, or stop giving her hugs! I wish I could say that I planned it, but I guess they just love their grandma!!

We took her to the BYU creamery. I think we should keep that a tradition!

Wendy took us for a hike around a lake. The kids loved it!

Especially the impromtu snowball fight!

It was kind of hard to do Father's Day while away on a trip. But, the kids and I made Rob a fun card, I brought one Isabelle had made from her school, and gave Rob a fun book and some shirts. Wendy and I made our husbands breakfast.

Wendy and I got dresses the same day. So fun!

Then we were off to Colorado to hang out with Rob's family for a week!
I love that my kids each have a twinner cousin (cousin born the same week as them)
Austin and Isaac

Isabelle and Abby

And Robert and Liam

We went to some dinosaur ruins the first day.

Another hike the second day.

We went to a park and played parachute games, soccer and tennis.

We had tons of fun in Heather and Jared's pool, just about every day.

We went to a fun park with a train, a petting zoo, and a stream to wade in. That day, the Stephens gave all the grandkids some fun sunglasses. How cool is that!?!

Robert did actually end up touching an animal at the petting zoo, but he REALLY didn't want to.

The kids loved dressing up there.

We celebrated Emily's birthday there.

All the grandkids made bags for a memory. They all said the "French Frogs" and had frogs swimming in a pool. Great idea Robyn!

We had a family run day. Almost all the adults ran a 5k. They did some little races for the kids as well. Austin won the race for his age group.

On the last day we had family pics done and the Stephens started an impromptu dance party afterwards.:)
Robert and his buds did this during the dancing.

We had a busy week this week. For the 4th of July, both Rob and I spoke at our ward breakfast on patriotism and the constitution. Then we headed off to a tea party rally!

We had fireworks and homemade ice cream at home with the Ducette's. It was a fun night and neither Robert or Isabelle were afraid of the sparklers this year. Austin sure was afraid of the fireworks though.
This week I am off to girl's camp. Wish me luck!