We had a passover feast since we studied the scattering of Israel this week. Robert made the matzo bread.Austin and Isabelle made the Charoset
I didn't want to do a lamb bone, so I improvised. We had lamb popcorn.
This is Robert experiencing the bitter herbs.For our Egg decorating Rob got gold stuff which we ended up having to paint on the eggs. It was fun...
but messy!Easter
Austin says one of his favorite things is leprechauns. Here is Talia in all of her Easter wares. She got the purse, the dress and the shoes today. I made the dress to match Isabelle's.Robert said he doesn't like nerf guns, do you believe him.Isabelle sang in a trio of girls in Sacrament meeting today. She looked so comfortable in front of everyone. We are proud of her.Rob gave me these pretty flowers.Here is our Easter meal.I got Rob a photography book for his birthday and he has really taken off with it. He took most of the pictures you see here and I think he is doing a great job.
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