For home-school, the day before St. Patrick's day, I taught Robert all about who St. Patrick was, about Shamrocks, Ireland and where St. Patrick came from (he actually was born in Britain and came over to Ireland to spread the gospel). I also played him some Irish music. So, I really didn't feel like I did too much on St. Patrick's day, the day was too crazy! Belly had a green eggs and ham breakfast at Preschool, and I had a couple other appts. But, at least I made some our my family's St. Patrick's tradition and some of Rob's. We always had a green dinner at our house growing up. Rob's family made a traditional Irish meal. I only included the Petticoat tails from Rob's family (they were the best part anyways). They are kind of like a cookie.
I have also tried waking the kids up with Primary music this week. It has actually made our mornings go much smoother. I tell them it is time to get up, then just put on the music. The are roused much quicker and I don't have to be as on top of them!
Talia has been a little more fussy lately, but we are getting more smiles! This morning I fed her, then, as I was burping her, I gave her a kiss on the cheek and she gave me a big sleepy smile. It was so sweet!